Wednesday 15 February 2012

Respect! The FA don't know the meaning of the word.

In the last few years the F.A has encouraged football fans to respect the referee but I would beg to differ. 

There have been many ad campaigns from the F.A advocating that fans should respect referees because their job is 'hard'. With the most famous ad being the one featuring Ray Winstone shouting at the ref in a Sunday league game. But after the standard of refereeing I have seen this season is amazes me how the F.A still continue to expect respect from the fans. With, referee's failing to spot obvious fouls or being bias towards a particular side. with incidents such as the Pedro Mendes no goal after his shot passed the line by miles, referee Mark Clattenburg said 'no goal'.  But that was Manchester United and every decision goes their way. Another notable incident was in the world cup 2006 when Graham Poll dished out 3 yellow cards to Croatian defender, Josip Simunic until sending him off in the Croatia v Australia game. The incident was huge embarrassment to Graham as well as to English refereeing.

It still also baffles me how the most popular sport in world still has failed to obtain technology however with the ancient Sepp Blatter in charge of Fifa I don't see it coming fast. Football needs to catch up with likes of rugby and the NFL in America that both use video refereeing and microphone's as our age old system in football is not enough for the modern game. The current system favors cheats and prevents honest sides points something that needs to stop. It still leaves us saying what if, If Lampard's goal had been given to make 2-2 would England have done better in the World Cup, things we will never know because of poor refereeing judgment.

So come on football get your act together and get technology, honest teams are getting cost points and it's becoming a joke. Sepp Blatter needs to realize this is the beautiful game and his Fifa board is ruining it by failing to use technology within the game.

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